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Charms Information

CHARMS is an online database system that allows directors to globally communicate with choir students and their families. In addition, we can keep track of payments, letter man points, and upload files for student and famkily access. Please read the instructions closely and contact a director if you have any questions. 




  • Log on to, and click "ENTER/LOG IN" in the upper right corner.

  • Locate the "PARENT/STUDENT/MEMBERS LOGIN"  section of the web page

  • Login to your student's program account using the following school code: SterlingHSC​

  • Enter your student ID number in the Student Area Password field. If you are new, then you will be prompted to create a username and password. Please keep it simple and write down your username and password or save it in your phone.

  • Now you should have access to view the hub where you can look at the handbook, finances, calendar, recordings, and more. 


Once you are in, please complete the required instructions below:

  • Click on Update Info.

  • You are now in the Student Information Portal. Fill in your first and last name, the email address you actually check, t-shirt size, birthday, and phone number.

  • Click on add adult info and add one family representative's info. In the adult portal, only complete first and last name, email address you actually check, and phone number.

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